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QUERY Re: feeding more than one site

Started by Andos, January 14, 2021, 01:02:37 AM

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     I have a little question which has arisen from reading Ken R's topic.  It is concerning the help link below that was posted in one of his replies.  Prior to reading Ken's topic, I have somehow manage to set up on a FlightAware Pro dongle and I am now feeding to FlightAware; FR24; ADSBX; and 360 Radar.  I achieved this a very long time ago and do not remember how I did it.  Looking at the link below, I was considering feeding to RadarBox also.  To do this, without causing problems to my already installed feeds, would it be safe for me to download and install the Radarbox setup?   Or, would I have to apply some sort of editing in the FlightAware config file(s)?


            Sorry if might sound a little daft but, once something's working I usually tend not to mess with it.



Quote from: Andos on January 14, 2021, 01:02:37 AM
Looking at the link below, I was considering feeding to RadarBox also.  To do this, without causing problems to my already installed feeds, would it be safe for me to download and install the Radarbox setup?   Or, would I have to apply some sort of editing in the FlightAware config file(s)?

I haven't attempted this but my guess is just installing the RadarBox feeder will create a conflict and contention for the received data.  Editing the FlightAware config file is not an option.

This old post may help:

Here to Help.


Hi Andos

I am feeding all of those sites including Radarbox from one of my RPis without a problem. I installed each separately using the guidelines on each website, starting off with dump1090-fa and FA Piaware. I believe that at one time there were some conflicts with the mlat-client on Radarbox but read this recently on the ADSBx Forum which suggests that might have been addressed ' We at adsbexchange have put our mlat-client into a virtualenv so there is no package conflict with other services using an imcompatible version of the mlat-client and still calling the debian package mlat-client. So that part shouldn't be an issue.(https://www.adsbexchange.com/forum/threads/newbie-general-advice.633153/)

This is a useful guide for installing various feeders: https://forum.radarbox24.com/index.php?topic=10201.0



Hi Nigel

Did you install each feeder app separately and made no other changes to anything?
Here to Help.


Yes. I installed dump1090-fa first and made sure that was up and running, then installed all the other feeders (FA Piaware; PlaneFinder; FR24; Radarbox; 360Radar; ADSBx) + PlanePlotter separately following the feeder installation instructions for each



Thanks Nigel.

From what I've read over the years I didn't think it was that simple but hey ho.
Here to Help.


I've no previous experience of RPis, Linux etc. so all I did was input the sequence of commands for installation of each feeder and it works. Surprisingly it was all quick and easy to do.



That's excellent news Nigel.  Many thanks for your input.  I'm sure a lot of other members will appreciate your response also.



Hi Nigel,
             I tried installing the Radarbox to my RPi 3 but after typing in " sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - http://apt.rb24.com/inst_rbfeeder.sh)"    "command,  I keep getting the following msg: "Don't know how to install for a distribution named *****"

(*= my id).    What am I doing wrong?



I'm no expert but this is an attempt to do several things at once - both download and run. I tend to do things one at a time.

For now make sure that the -O is a capital O and not a zero, and try again


Hi Ian,
           yes it is definitely a capital O in the command.   I have tried it several times but always ending up with the same result.  When I try to run a command after this for RBox, it says it cannot find it.  I am assuming that it is not installing for some reason.

           I wonder if it has anything to do with dump 1090.   I am wondering because I am trying to install it on a Flight Aware Pro Stick Plus which is already running FA; FR24; 360 Radar; and ADSBX.




ok try the bit inside the ()

wget -O - http://apt.rb24.com/inst_rbfeeder.sh

That should download "inst_rbfeeder.sh".

Then try sudo bash inst_rbfeeder.sh

That is breaking the complex command into two.


Hi Andos

dump-1090 shouldn't affect the installation of the RB feeder. I'm not sure if this will make any difference, but I just copy/paste the commands from the installation guides rather than typing them in myself. This avoids any slight typos slipping in and causing error messages..just an idea.



Quote from: Andos on January 14, 2021, 09:16:04 PM
I wonder if it has anything to do with dump 1090.   I am wondering because I am trying to install it on a Flight Aware Pro Stick Plus which is already running FA; FR24; 360 Radar; and ADSBX.

Nothing is being installed on the Pro Stick. It's being installed on the RPi.  The Pro Stick is a radio receiver, no software.
Here to Help.


Hi Ian,
          I followed your instructions to the letter and after typing in "bash: inst_rbfeeder.sh" ( without quotes), I received the following response: No such file of directory.  This suggests to me that file has not been downloaded, or am I wrong?
