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Planefinder Launches NATS and FAA Charts for iOS Apps

Started by Anmer, October 29, 2012, 08:21:52 PM

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"Plane Finder NATS  and FAA Charts are available as an in-app purchase to Plane Finder apps for iOS"


These are in-app purchases for a period licence of 90 days or 1 year.  It's not clear if the price is per chart or for a whole set?

Only available for iOS (not Android).
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I recently purchased one of the new NATS charts for the Planefinder iPhone app.

In addition to the GBP £2.99 for the main app, the chart for the SE UK is an additional GBP £4.99 for a 90-day licence.  A 12 month licence is GBP £9.99.

I've seen a number of posts on other forums asking for aeronautical charts so I thought I'd see how they look.

The NATS charts are "degraded" so that they're not suitable for navigational purposes but they're still pretty "busy" with lots of detail.  Perhaps too much?

See the comparisons below.  What do others think?

[Attachment deleted by Admin to save file space]
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Ian K

Thanks for downloading the map Mike, certainly I won't bother now.. I find it too difficult to see the aircraft.  ???


The are VRF (Visual Flight Rules) charts useful only for local flights at very low altitude ... and not easy to read or for following an commercial flight............... in my opinion

Beast, PlanePlotter (GS/MU AP)


Thanks Alpey.

Yes I agree.  I see many requests to show airways and reporting points but these VFR charts are too "busy".

I spent many an hour with one on my knee but not what I need for "radarspotting" on a screen.
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Hi Anmer

FR24 is the better tool for spotting, large coverage, good feeding, nice database, fine info display with photo, flight replay and easy to use, zooming, fast jump to an  other part of world...etc
In your case you have your SBS on network ..with all this you must be a spotter "heureux"  8)

But spotting on an Iphone  :-X its nice for following a special flight with family or friends in board

This reflect only my opinion
Beast, PlanePlotter (GS/MU AP)