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New RTL1090 beta3

Started by Breitling, January 19, 2014, 11:07:32 AM

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Now with a simple scope.

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Looks like Andy has grafted on the Globe-S screen which he had got working with RTL1090. Excellent - and this is just a recent innovation so probably get enhanced.

I like Globe-S_RTL1090 with the dongle. Just wish I could get it working with other receivers but the combination of COM port conversion has beaten me. A simple TCP connection would be easier  ;)


I had Globe-S working with my SBS a few years ago.
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Just playing a bit more with this version...

You can detach the scope window. Click on any aircraft and you can see a nice flight strip plenty of interesting realtime data.

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Hello to all,

mmm It´s a amazing changing world..ehhh?  I try with the new version tonight..



Hi all My dongle was running well on PP.Then got the puck which is now feeding PP.All my dongles were lay'ed idle  so updated rtl1090 and started to try an feed FR24.
That's when the problems started. Can I feed FR24 via dongle An run the Puck feeding PP on same comp ?. rtl1090 keeps coming up with 3rd party plug ins not found.
I took the puck and PP off stream.put don/an PP Worked fine


How do you prefer to feed FR24?  From the dongle or from PP?  Which receiver do you prefer to use for PP?

The question is relevant to the subsequent answer.
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Hi Boss I'M feeding PP with the PUCK. The dongle is for Fr24 (HOPEFULLY)


You can feed FR24 via PP using the FR24 feeder software to keep your free Premium subscription.  Ignore the PlaneGadget reference.

PP Help:

You can open a TCP/IP server that will output data in the SBS1 30003 format. The port can service up to five simultaneous connections. If you are using the PlaneGadget Radar, enabling this option with the port number set to 30003 will allow third party applications (or other instances of PP) to access the data as if it was from an SBS1. If you are using an SBS1 or an RBv3, which provides data access on port 30003, then you must change the TCP server port in this option to some other port number. Having done that, you could set up other instances of PlanePlotter to access the TCP server and display the data in some other way. You will need to specify the non-standard port number in those other instances of PlanePlotter. If you run multiple instances of PlanePlotter, please make sure that only one of them is set to share data. Otherwise you will overload the server and may lose sharing privileges. You could also allow multiple third party applications to access the data from the receiver via this port.

Here to Help.


You can feed FR24 directly from port 30003 built-in RTL1090. This port is by default at 31004 but there is config switch to assign 30003

Be aware that the PP port 30003 must be disabled as no two ports can be active at the same time with the same number.

-- Andy


Thank you guys. Have taken note



Does the Software need any Internet Connection or send any Data (i know UDP is good any other is bad...)?
>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.