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ADS-B ASTERIX reciever

Started by zachmart, March 13, 2012, 10:06:12 PM

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Hi guys.
I want to ask you for help. I am looking for ADS-B reciever with data output format ASTERIX. I know about Kinetic SBS-2 but i am looking for any other. The reason I am looking for it, is that i want to connect our University ATC simulator with some real-time ADS-B data reciever. I am looking for something low-cost. Please do you know about something? (btw SBS-3 doesnt know ASTERIX or does it?)
Thank you for your answers.
Martin Zach - Czech Technical University


I am developing an application that reads "raw data" of the SBS-1eR and with intention to transform it to category 21 of asterix.

Mi abuelo deci­a: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere y los helicopteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
(SBS-1eR, Bullion2 y microADSB, desarrollos propios en xHarbour, xBase, FiveWin, Xailer y Borland)


That would solve my problem :) In what are you writing? I am going to study our ATC system if it would work. :) sorry for bad question, but when you think it would be finished? btw how difficult is that? cause if it would help me, I would help you :)


I put link to see better the screen capture you


This writing in language xHarbour  (www.xharbour.org)

This still developing. Besides category 21 (ADS-B Reports) also serious in category 10 (Transmission of Monosensor
Surface Movement Data)
Mi abuelo deci­a: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere y los helicopteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
(SBS-1eR, Bullion2 y microADSB, desarrollos propios en xHarbour, xBase, FiveWin, Xailer y Borland)


Last version of my utility:
-SBS-1eR raw data read by TCP ports 10001, 30006 and 30033.
-Send in multicast format asterix categories 10, 19/20 and 21/23.
-The recording of all kinds of data.
-Play recordings.

Link to image: http://personales.ya.com/jmgarcia00001/SBS-1eR/ADS-B_2.jpg
Mi abuelo deci­a: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere y los helicopteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
(SBS-1eR, Bullion2 y microADSB, desarrollos propios en xHarbour, xBase, FiveWin, Xailer y Borland)


This much I care. What is the chance to use it?


Still in development phase and is only useful as asterix format output.
Mi abuelo deci­a: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere y los helicopteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
(SBS-1eR, Bullion2 y microADSB, desarrollos propios en xHarbour, xBase, FiveWin, Xailer y Borland)


I'm Miro. From www.microadb.com  team.
That is enough. I need only CAT21!