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Malaysian 777 crashes in Ukraine

Started by Ian K, July 17, 2014, 04:34:45 PM

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Thanks satcom.

I was curious to see if there were many PP sharers in the Ukraine that could have been tracking MH17 up to the time of the incident.  There appears to be some discussion elsewhere as to the accuracy of the "tracking" data published by various sources.

Does the PP data match that from FR24 which, as far as I can tell, appears to be the most accurate so far?

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Ours is spot on to a fraction of a second Mike , which from a personal point of view enabled me to pin down the location of the launcher.
We had a gap in coverage  over western Ukraine but good data to the point of impact

Some of the trackers were of course using predicted positions , then rolled them back after the event.

All data has been sent to AAIB  as a matter of routine and as you'll know they are now looking at the flight boxes having brought them back to the UK


Thanks satcom.  By "spot on" do you mean the PP last position data is the same as that published by FR24?
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No idea Mike....havn't seen their raw data


There was a link to the published FR24 data in the post I provided when I asked the question.


How do you know the PP data was "spot on"?
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There was a link to the published FR24 data in the post I provided when I asked the question

Yes I saw that , but thats not in raw data format.

You'll just have to take my word for it Mike
Our data is locked down in raw format and passed on...we don't publish it , but when  the eventual location of the missile launcher is revealed you'll  know if FR24 data was correct or not.


OK, can you answer the following question?

Was the last received,"spot-on" PP data time stamped later than that published by FR24?

Simply put, was the aircraft sending positional data after the time that FR24 is showing?  No need to provide the data itself, just a Yes or No will do?

And with what are you comparing the data received by PP to declare it as "spot on"?

From what I see, some receivers and decoding software introduce time stamp errors.
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Re last received data... "No"
And re the receiving station....no time stamp error.

re the location....as later confirmed by independant investigation on the ground.

There were at least  two if not three US DoD satellites looking at that area at the time one of which the US claim "saw"  the launch....lets wait and see what they come up with as their images will be time stamped too.


Thanks satcom, that's very helpful.
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