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The FR24 receiver that will be sold later will have more options and features.

Started by Brian, February 15, 2013, 05:55:19 AM

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[Info on the PAID FR24 box:]

The FR24 receiver that will be sold later will have more options and features. (Release date around March/April,2013)

* USB in front will be used for extensions in the future. For example WiFi connection, second ADS-B receiver, AIS receiver, weather station, web cam.

* The receivers that will be sold on the market later, will be more open for public add-ons.

** The free receivers provided by FR24 are controlled by FR24, and extensions will be limited to these approved by FR24.

[Link will be added, once the page is added on FR24 website]

ModesBeast.com - Radarcape - product info.

[Attachment deleted by Admin to save file space]


My Free FR24 receiver have arrived and on the air for the last 2 weeks.

Enjoy watching F-WSSS1 into South China Sea ( not West Philippines sea ), West coast of Singkawang ( West Coast of West Borneo)  and the Bangka Belitung  Islands North of Jakarta.
To give "Unique Coverage of WSSS" in www.Radarbox24.com !


Any more progress on a possible public release date yet please?



Hi guys,
more news:

FR24 Receiver.
Price - including shipping & handling - €460 (Equipment is shipped from Germany as Deutsche Post letter).
VAT €115
Total €575

FR24 Receiver + ModeS antenna + 5 m coax cable.
Price - including shipping & handling - €524 (Equipment is shipped from Germany as Deutsche Post letter).
VAT €131
Total €655

FR24 Receiver + ModeS antenna + 10 m coax cable.
Price - including shipping & handling - €540 (Equipment is shipped from Germany as Deutsche Post letter).
VAT €135
Total €675

Miguel Teixeira
Beast user, Ex: SBS1er and RB, PP sharer aH Live Traffic



Those are eye-watering prices!!

I think I'll stick with my Dongles for the moment.



I'd rather buy a new sbs-3 and a couple of dongles for spare and get pi**es on the change.


They are restricting MLAT to just using these boxes. At that price, coverage could be a bit thin!



Quote from: kered on April 22, 2013, 06:51:39 PM
I'd rather buy a new sbs-3 and a couple of dongles for spare and get pi**es on the change.

I bought a SBS3 which cost me 650€, So for extras you wont have much over.  :) :P


Quote from: IanH on April 22, 2013, 10:40:43 PM
They are restricting MLAT to just using these boxes. At that price, coverage could be a bit thin!


There is a misconception that mlat only needs three receiver ground stations to cover a large area.

In practice scores of GS are required to cover a small country like England , and each fix needs at least five of those GS to see the target...otherwise ambiguous plots may result.

Planeplotter's Mlat uses over 250 GS for the UK alone , split into a dozen  automatic sectors !

K9 Spike

Quote from: birdie on March 01, 2013, 06:25:04 AM
My Free FR24 receiver have arrived and on the air for the last 2 weeks.

Enjoy watching F-WSSS1 into South China Sea ( not West Philippines sea ), West coast of Singkawang ( West Coast of West Borneo)  and the Bangka Belitung  Islands North of Jakarta.
Is it easy To setup..   :-[


Quote from: K9 Spike on July 27, 2014, 04:56:36 PM
Is it easy To setup..   :-[

The FR24 receiver is not for sale.  The Radarcape is similar and is "plug and play" but doesn't include any user software.
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