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problem with Flight Radar 24?

Started by Roadrunner, September 22, 2017, 09:13:09 AM

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Hie there,

After a rew years of unfailing provision of data to FR24, this morning my BaseStation does not appear to be talking to FR24.

When I open FR 24 I am getting the normal screen but all the data is either imissing or not what expected

Position No.000.E0.000
GND: NO Mode-S: NO
Basestation : OFF
Network: OFF
Info: Updating information...
TX/AC Loss: 0.0%/).0%

Basestation is running normally, as is PlanePlotter and Plane-Base.

All network connections also show normal.

Any ideas anyone, or is anyone aware of any problems with FR24, although a quick look on their web gives me data and still show me as Business user.


Network : OFF


Hi Mike

Does your FR24 account show as "Online" under "My Data Sharing"?

Have you tried relaunching the data feed app?
Here to Help.



I tried resatarting BS then rebooting the PC then restarting FR24 etc etc. However, Just After I had asked about it on line, you can guess what happened - it started OK of its own accord..........

Bl****y computers

Regards Mike