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Here are some useful links to websites that might be of interest to the radarspotter.

Started in 2005, the first to offer free flight tracking for private and commercial aircraft.  Its free PiAware software is one of the easiest solutions for tracking Mode-S flights using a low cost SDR and RPi combination.  And it shows all available MLAT plots unlike others that block some MLAT flights.
Great site to track aircraft on a map, including previous 16 days, and excellent Aviation Database to look up aircraft by hex code, registration and airline.

Low cost extension for all Mode-S receivers.  Share data and plot the location of non-positional aircraft using multilateration (Mlat).

Military Airshows in the UK
List of military airshows in the UK

Virtual Radar Server
Display your SBS data on a Google map in a browser window.  Great for viewing your local aircraft when you're away from home.

Lookup a Mode-S hex code and find out to which aircraft it belongs.

The Aviation Herald
Good resource for reported incidents and crashes.
Fantastic site for aircraft photographs.

Useful database of reported Mode-S contacts and searchable database.
Aviation news and latest aircraft deliveries.

Aviation news.