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The version of Modesmixer2 with a configuration file

Started by sergsero, February 19, 2017, 01:20:26 PM

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Modesmixer2 uses lots of command-line arguments that identify data sources or destinations of information, or that alter the operation of the program. So set of command-line options for their setting has become very long.
There is a test version of the program, which uses a separate configuration file for all command-line arguments.

Windows: modesmixer2_with_config_file_windows_20170225.zip

The basic difference is that command-line arguments no longer used, except for the option --config-file /path/to/working.conf, which can be entered in command line.

All basic parameters are placed in a separate configuration file, which defaults called working.conf.
It is a plain text file, which can be edited with any text editor, is sometimes known as "notepad" software, following the Microsoft Notepad. The configuration file can be in the same directory as the executable program when it runs. Otherwise, you must specify the full path to this file in command line via option --config-file /path/to/working.conf.

Each parameter in the configuration file has the form: <parameter>=[value], starts on a new line and not uses two hyphens. For example:

The basic parameters are identical with the same as the version modesmixer2 with command line.

Also added some new features:

- If the aircraft in addition to ADS-B messages transmits ACARS messages and you have access to this data over the network, they can be displayed in a separate window on the map.

- The set of parameters in configuration file and their online editing can be made via separate WEB interface on additional port.

- You can also edit some data in files basestation.sqb and flightroutes.sqb.

Warning! Do not use with this test version of the program database files from main setup. Use only the duplicate files for test purposes.



Version has been updated to 20170225.

- Made improvements when working with Google map.

- Added online capabilities to enable and disable data sources.

- Added support of Waypoint and Outline data files by SBS standard. These are simple text files that add a dot to the display with a name tag or create lines.



will there be a linux version with config file in the future?
It would be nice to get the same feature for linux.

Greets pirate


Hi, Sergsero

I have been using ModeSdeco2 in a Raspberry Pi 3 for 4 months, feeding data to FlightRadar24 in Beast mode, with a Flightaware Pro Stick Plus.

All is working fine. The command I use is:

home/pi/modesdeco2/modesdeco2 --freq-correction 15 --gain 49.6 --agc --location XX.XX:-Y.YY --rbs --web 8080 --beast 31001 --db home/pi/modesdeco2/dbase/BaseStation.sqb --frdb home/pi/modesdeco2/dbase/FlightRoute.sqb --silhouettes home/pi/modesdeco2/images/silhouettes --pictures home/pi/modesdeco2/images/pictures

When the version of Modesmixer2 with a configuration file was launched, I started using it in a Win10 PC, feeding another BaseStation.sqb database as you suggested in your post.

I have found several items that can be fixed to improve the application.

Basestation Editor

After editing and saving any aircraft that had a previous value in the field 'Country', the field is saved as empty (it's lost).

There is no place for editing 'Country' data, can you add it?

What is the 'Interested' checkmark for? In what part of the application can I make use of it?

The sample content in the empty textboxes has a very similar text color (light grey) to the input text (black), so it's difficult to distinguish.

Flights History

In some columns, sorting does not work when clicking column top.

I want to thank you for all your efforts and professional work



This version v.20170509_ConF needs in testing after fixing the bug in database editor:
QuoteAfter editing and saving any aircraft that had a previous value in the field 'Country', the field is saved as empty (it's lost).

Intel Windows: modesmixer2_with_config_file_windows_20170509.zip https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6iTVY0QnFHR3g1b0E

Intel Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit: modesmixer2_with_config_file_x86_64_20170509.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6iWHc4cWhoSS1WRFU



Just tested v.20170509_ConF and the bug in database editor is fixed.

What is the 'Interested' checkmark for? In what part of the application can I make use of it?

Do you need me to test anything?

Thanks and regards



Hi Antonio,

Thank you for testing the program. I will appreciate your help in further testing.

QuoteWhat is the 'Interested' checkmark for?

There is the checkbox in original Kinetic database editor.

In the native software BaseStation - The SBS-3 this option is used to:

Quote2.3.4.3 Show Only Aircraft Marked Interested
This toggles whether the Aircraft List shows only those aircraft whose Interested field (in the database) is set to true. By default, all aircraft are displayed.

At the moment time in modesmixer2 this toggles is not used but you can set it in basestation.sqb.

QuoteThe sample content in the empty textboxes has a very similar text color (light grey) to the input text (black), so it's difficult to distinguish.
There are some limitations, but I'll try to do something.

QuoteIn some columns, sorting does not work when clicking column top.
Indeed there is an issue in places where objects are graphic, in next version they will be sorted.




Is it possible to run this version at the same time of the normal modesmixer2 version on a RPI?


I am using the Modesmixer2 with a configuration file from the first day it was launched, and am very happy with it.

Today I've found something strange in the flights history: same ICAO, callsign and register in two consecutive lines.

Is it normal or can be a bug?
I am using the following filters:
filter-expire: 20
filter-count: 6
filter-time: 60
filter-nocountry On
filter-ic: Off
flight-expire-time: 3600

Thanks and greetings

[Attachment deleted by Admin to save file space]


Hi Antonio,

This is probably a bug. But I hope that her cause is modesdeco2.
Discussed here some time ago and the filter has been added to modesdeco2. It is possible that it is not efficient enough. I plan to fix this issue permanently in future versions of modesdeco2.

If in this case you used modesdeco2 as data feed please specify the version. In the latest version of modesdeco2 (20170127) this filter was enabled by default.

If so, try to receive data using dump1090 or any other receiver. Will there be the issue in the database records of modesmixer2 in this case?

Unfortunately, this is special case, when I have no way to test this filter in real operating conditions because there is no Mode S interrogators in my area and all data comes via ADS-B messages.

However the same it may be a bug in modesmixer2  because both entries in the database were labelled as "A". I'll wait for more information from you.



Hi, Sergsero

I am using ModeSDeco2 20170127 (RPi 3 version) as the only feed. My ModeSmixer 2 version is v.20170506 (without config file)

I have never used dump1090

Yesterday just I changed my setup. Initially I had modeSdeco2 + PiAware MLAT + Fr24feeder MLAT in the Raspberry Pi 3, and ModeSmixer2 (with config file) in a Win10 PC

I was receiving many Warning: the timestamps provided by your receiver do not seem to be self-consistent. This can happen if you feed data from multiple receivers to a single mlat-client, which is not supported; use a separate mlat-client for each receiver

and Out-of-order timestamps: NNN from  from the FlightAware console, so I thought it was because the PC timestamps, so I changed the setup.

Now I have everything in the  Raspberry Pi 3, but I have still the warnings, maybe I have a misconfiguration.

Thanks for your help and good work




The bash script on the above noted github page installs on Raspberry Pi the standard version of ModeSMixer2 (modesmixer2_rpi2-3_deb9_20190223.tgz), but also does following extra

(1) Creates and uses a config file as given below:
This config file can be edited by user to add, modify or delete any configuration. For example if someone wants to add a database, he can add following line to the config file

--db /path/to/file/BaseStation.sqb

The config file is named mm2.conf and is located in folder /usr/share/mm2/

cat /usr/share/mm2/mm2.conf

--web 8787
--location xx.xxxx:yy.yyyy

(2) Creates systemd service file for modeSMixer2, and then enables the service.

As a result, the ModeSMixer2 is started automatically when RPi is booted. It also allows following commands to stop, start, restart, and status of ModeSMixer2

sudo systemctl stop mm2
sudo systemctl start mm2
sudo systemctl restart mm2
sudo systemctl status mm2