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Started by Radio2.0, August 23, 2014, 09:42:28 PM

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Looks to me like the DPD is outperforming the yagi?
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When you compare the both Picture you see the Airport ist locatet ~120" exactly where the Yagi is pointed.
And if you every see what is between me and the Airport its Amazing what i get!
Some "small" hills, tree, buildings,...

Edit: The Airport ist ~20km Away.
>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.


Hallo Radio2.0

wie machst Du das um den Empfangsbereich auf der Karte anzuzeigen? Danke, Gruss

Hello Radio2.0

how do you do that to display the reception area on the map? Thanks & Greetings


>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.


auf der Karte mit den roten Markierungen die Du gepostet hast. Ich hab bei anderen auch schon gesehen das der gesamte Bereich rot oder grün eingefärbt ist und man so das gesamte abgedeckte Gebiet schön sehen kann, Danke!

on the map with the red markings you posted. I've already seen in others that the entire area is colored red or green and you can see the entire covered area, thank you!


Aso das sollte ModeSdeco2 automatisch machen.

Aso that should do ModeSdeco2 automatically.
>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.


ok, geht das nicht mit VRS und der Karte welche da automatisch gestartet wird? Ich nutze das ModeSdeco2 nicht.

ok, does not work with VRS and the card which is started automatically there? I do not use the ModeSdeco2.


ka wie es beim VRS ist.
Sharst du?
Welche Software benutzt du aktuell?

ka as it is at the VRS.
Do you want?
Which software do you currently use?
>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.


@ Radio2.0 and cptjoa

If you want to discuss this between only the two of you (in German), I suggest you use Personal Messaging.
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ok sorry,

no i don`t share (at present) just got into this and try to set up my equipment as good as possible.

I am running a  NooElec and rtl1090/VRS, my antenna is home made colinear 7el. indoors. As far it works pretty well just a few fine tune i like to do which includes visualise my receiving range but no one could help so far.


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>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.


Hi folks,

fortunately i found it again, this is exactly what i am looking for.... any idea how to accomplish that?  Any help would be appreciated, thank you!!

[attachment deleted reduce file load]


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>>> I looking for People who want exchange the VRS Data with me. <<<
I life near LOWW / VIE and see Ground Traffic too.