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PlanePlotter Released

Started by Triple7, September 04, 2020, 03:13:02 PM

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From Bev:


PlanePlotter version is on the web site now.


---Usual boilerplate---
Updates are free to registered users.
You may need to exercise your browser Refresh function to force it to show you the new version of the PlanePlotter web page. If you post a message complaining that the web site is still pointing to an earlier version, you pay a forfeit!
You can install the new version over the old one but you *must* close/exit PlanePlotter before installing the new one. Your settings will be preserved. Nic's installer will warn you if PlanePlotter is still running when you try to install the new version.
If you have a version-specific firewall (eg Zone Alarm), you may have to reassure it that the new version is permitted to access the Internet. Be aware that an increasing number of security systems treat any new file as a threat without any justification except that it is new. Please don't write to me about it; write to your security system provider and ask them to make their program smarter.

New in version

Triggering Mode-A Mlats from the "a" window

Hitherto, Mlats triggered from the "a" window required there to be some GS listed in the sharers list for a candidate aircraft before PP would allow an Mlat to start.  Because Mode-A Mlats are not shared across the network, this condition was never met for XXnnnn codes.  I have now removed that requirement so that Mlats on XXnnnn codes can now be triggered from the "a" window.

Bad IP vulnerability

Previously, an invalid IP address in the configuration of a Beast-TCP or RPi would cause PP to crash.  This release simply gives a warning in such cases.

SBS-3 Connected

In previous versions, PlanePlotter would display "Connected" when an SBS-3 is the chosen receiver, even if the configuration was incorrect so no connection was made.  This is corrected in this release.

"m" window settings

This version preserves the scale selected for the "m" window displaying message rates.

Triggering Mode-A Mlats from a script

In earlier releases, the OLE/COM function "MlatRequestByHex()" required there to be some GS in the sharers list otherwise no Mlat was initiated.  To deal with the XXnnnn codes, which are not shared, this requirement has been removed in this release.

AirSpy receiver Mlat status

Previously, the "Raw data" option in Options..I/O settings was unconditionally checked if the selected receiver was an AirSpy.  To avoid confusion where a user has multiple receivers, this is now conditional on the Raw data option being explicitly ticked in I/O settings, when an AirSpy receiver is in use.  Note that if you are currently using an AirSpy receiver and are a validated Ground Station, it would be prudent to check that Raw data is still checked after you have installed this release.  You may need to be tick it again.



SBS-1eR, FA ProStick + 1090 filter