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ModeSDeco2 and ModeSMixer2 - console programs for RTLSDR and transcoding

Started by sergsero, August 09, 2013, 03:08:08 PM

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v.20180429 ModeSDeco2 for RTL2832 DVB-T dongle and AirSpy SDR

ModeSDeco2 is a console (command line) Mode S decoder specifically designed for working with RTL2832U chip dongles or AIRSPY SDR devices in Windows and Ubuntu Linux on Intel/ARM platform with sufficient computing power of processor.

Example for RTL:
C:\modesdeco2.exe --gain 42 --freq-correction 62 --location 32.51:104.98 --web 8088 --db D:\data\basestation.sqb --frdb D:\data\flightroute.sqb --silhouettes D:\data\silhouettes --pictures D:\data\pictures --beast 10003 --msg 30003 --sbs10001 10001 --metric --web-auth admin:admin  --google-key AIXXxxxxXXXXxxxxxXXXXXxxxxXXXX

Example for AirSpy:
C:\modesdeco2.exe --airspy --location 32.51:104.98 --web 8088 --db D:\data\basestation.sqb --frdb D:\data\flightroute.sqb --silhouettes D:\data\silhouettes --pictures D:\data\pictures --beast 10003 --msg 30003 --metric --add-reference-point 56.39252:85.22168:THR21 --add-points 56.23667:83.98861:NN 56.69139:85.32917:SP 57.00722:82.05972:BA --web-auth admin:admin

Run program with the one option "--help" for getting the command-line options.
To stop the program, press the key combination <Control+C>

Since June 2016, Google Maps requires a special Google Maps API key. Without this key, you cannot display Google Maps in ModeSDeco2.
Before you can set this API key in your ModeSDeco2, you'll need to generate it. You must have a Google account to generate a key for Google Maps Javascript API. Go to the Google API Console https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/ and click 'Get A Key'. If you want to use an existing project, please select it from the list. Otherwise, select 'Create a new project' and enter a project name, for example, modesdeco2. Than click 'Enable the API' (existing projects) or 'Create and Enable API' for new projects.
Copy the API key you generated from the Google Maps API Manager and add to command line the option "----google-key XXXX", where XXXX is your API key.

The aircraft and tower icon courtesy of Andrew Whewell http://www.virtualradarserver.com/
The silhouettes courtesy of Ian Kirby http://www.sbsbst.co.uk/iank/
The WEB page "Charts" use Highcharts http://www.highcharts.com/

v. 20180429
Windows 7/8.1/10 modesdeco2_windows_20180429.zip https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aV0ZNNZEOnHbpDEp5zqD4CPudcvRBlj5

When you run this version of modesdeco2.exe you can get an error that msvcp141.dll and msvcr141.dll are missing in your OS.
Please, download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from the Microsoft site.
This package installs run-time components of Visual C++ libraries and can be used to run such applications on a computer even if it does not have Visual Studio 2017 installed.

You could download Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from here: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 - the second paragraph from the bottom and check option for x86.
You will need to install file of 32 bit version VC_redist.x86.exe regardless of what bitness has your operating system!

Ubuntu 18.04 intel 64 bit: modesdeco2_x86_64_u18.04_20180429.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wOv1JK8sgWYlCskqW4Udr1bBA0vvRX89
Ubuntu 16.04 intel 64 bit: modesdeco2_x86_64_u16.04_20180429.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Z-35cNUZQNPOrHSI6HK3L1HG_dVkSbCo

Ubuntu 14.04 intel 32 bit: modesdeco2_i386_20170127.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6iMk5OcUpSb1psWVU

Raspberry Pi 2/3 Debian 9 32bit: modesdeco2_rpi2-3_deb9_20180429.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=17jJgbHCQE0DUb6cjcLOlJjbkySSfEZ80
Raspberry Pi 2/3 Debian 8 32bit: modesdeco2_rpi2-3_deb8_20180429.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qoHcsm595Ulwdp-zT3wA811z0-GKczqq

Orange Pi PC2 Debian 9 64bit: modesdeco2_aarch64_orange-pi-pc2_deb9_20180429.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Vz3284W5q8uH3k-m5xeL53BIEUae9RN3

OS X Yosemite 10.10: modesdeco2_osx_20150815.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6iZlNONVVnMHkyLVU

ModesMixer2 http://radarspotting.com/forum/index.php/topic,2978.msg15240.html#msg15240


Can you explain what this does, who will be interested in using it and why?
Here to Help.



    This is a console (command line) program that can do:
    Merge the data into a single network stream from any number of sources in different formats: binary BEAST, AVR, AVRMLAT, SBS30006, RAW Kinetic SBS10001, Basestation_30003 MSG and/or from serial physical interfaces - USB/COM ports (Windows) or /dev/tty* (Linux) This stream, in turn, may be issued to the network in various formats simultaneously. Type data format from network sources is recognized automatically. The data input can be in inConnect mode (pull from <address>:<port>) and inServer mode (listen data on own tcp-port <port>). Or inSerial mode for serial physical interfaces.[/li][/list]
    Decoding/transcoding the input data to output feeds in different formats: binary BEAST, AVR, AVRMLAT, SBS30006, RAW Kinetic SBS10001, Basestation_30003 MSG.[/li][/list]
    The data output can be in outConnect mode (push <address>:<port>) and outServer mode (listen data requests on own tcp-port <port>). Each output server can service multiple clients simultaneously.[/li][/list]

    C:\>modesmixer2.exe --inConnect --inSerial COM4:3000000:none --inConnect --outServer msg:30003 --outServer sbs10001:10001 --globes 31008:table2:UUDD --google-key Zxxxxxx
    ./modesmixer2 --inSerial /dev/ttyUSB2:3000000:none --inConnect --web 8888 --db ~/tmp/basestation.sqb --frdb ~/tmp/flightroute.sqb --pictures ~/tmp/images --silhouettes ~/tmp/silhouettes

    Run program with the one option "--help" for getting the command-line options.
    To stop the program, press the key combination <Control+C>


    Windows Intel x86: modesmixer2_windows_20180616.zip https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ffpj9_Q47mxh37ZBKEVdNpH87Ts8rC1F

    When you run this version of modesmixer2.exe you can get an error that msvcp141.dll and msvcr141.dll are missing in your OS.
    Please, download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from the Microsoft site.
    This package installs run-time components of Visual C++ libraries and can be used to run such applications on a computer even if it does not have Visual Studio 2017 installed.

    You could download Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable
    from here: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 - the second paragraph from the bottom and check option for x86.
    You will need to install file of 32 bit version VC_redist.x86.exe regardless of what bitness has your operating system!

    Raspberry Pi 2/3 debian 9: modesmixer2_rpi2-3_deb9_20180616.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lV_tUMVIj_CvM3kxdkk8PX2pLLAJskw_
    Raspberry Pi B+ debian 9: modesmixer2_rpi1_deb9_20180616.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c118DuM8P1jydOMJq89ytrxVwuD2RdG_

    Raspberry Pi B+ (Broadcom SoC BCM2835, ARM1176JZFS) Wheezy: modesmixer2_rpi1_20170506.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6ieklhdWg1ZVBWTUU (Debian GNU/Linux 7.11 (Linux 4.1.19+ #858 Tue Mar 15 15:52:03 GMT 2016 armv6l GNU/Linux))

    Ubuntu 16.04 Intel 64 bit: modesmixer2_x86_64_20170924.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6iT01YRUFMcFZUVkU
    Ubuntu 14.04 Intel 32 bit: modesmixer2_i386_20170924.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JXON6fEhTxTxSBmMt7jrk33p3xZjRe9l

    CentOS 7 Intel 64 bit: modesmixer2_CentOS7_x86_64_20170506.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6ibm4yOGoxSGh6V2c

    FreeBSD 11 Intel 64 bit: modesmixer2_FreeBSD11_x86_64_20170506.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6ianp5YzFFYXBrTDA (FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1 #0 r306420: Thu Sep 29 01:43:23 UTC 2016 amd64)

    OS X 10.10 Yosemite: modesmixer2_osx_20150715.tgz https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7NYXizl0U6ib3lOcjFPYmJXSDg

    QuoteIf you see on the page Map that all aircraft are being plotted in the top-left corner and the Google map does not load, then you need to do bypass your cache in browser.
    Bypassing your cache means forcing your web browser to re-download a web page from scratch, which can often solve website display glitches. It is also required after installing user scripts. Bypassing your cache is simple, safe, and causes no permanent changes.


    I use RTL1090 and Virtual Radar Server software in conjunction with my dongles. I find this setup really good.

    What advantages would your software add?

    Perhaps if you post a tutorial walking through set-up and options selection, or at least some screenshots of the program working that would give a better idea of what you're offering.



    This software is just another one that works for SDR technology with RTL2832 DVB-T dongle. Does those or other characteristics of software its advantages, in my opinion, everyone decides for himself have firsthand knowledge.

    Of the existing differences modesdeco with Andy's RTL1090 are:
    - working with Basestation directly (c:\>modesdeco.exe --gain 49.6 --net 10001 --sbs10001 --location lat:lon),
    - the program is designed for 24/7 work without supervision or control of the operator, so it has no GUI, and run from the command line without expending additional resources of computer.

    The purpose of this publication was help me to test this software in regions with intensive air traffic and large number of the received Mode-S (ads-b) messages. Unfortunately, in my region there are no a large number of flight aircraft at a time.  If someone can help me, I'll very grateful to him. And it's does not require a change his habitual setup.


    Works good Sergsero, Thanks

    [Attachment deleted by Admin to save file space]


    New ModeSMixer v.20131121


    Thank you sergsero,

    I tried this today and it works as advertised.
    Your hard work is appreciated  :)




    Hi Sergsero,

    I'm testing Modesdeco and I must say that it has increased the packet rate between 30 to 50 percent compared to RTL1090 and it's producing good raw reports for Planeplotter with the avr-mlat output format but in AVR format, the signal report is missing (I think it's the format that doesn't allow though). So I tried also the Beast format. I has signal strenght but the raw reports are not usable for mlat and Beamfinder. It seems the timings are bad. So could it be possible to correct the Beast format or add the signal strenght in the avr-mlat format? Continue your good work!

    Luc Fontaine
    +qX in Planeplotter


    Hello Luc,
    Quote from: coyotefxl on November 24, 2013, 07:17:08 PM... it's producing good raw reports for Planeplotter with the avr-mlat output format but in AVR format, the signal report is missing (I think it's the format that doesn't allow though). So I tried also the Beast format. I has signal strenght but the raw reports are not usable for mlat and Beamfinder. It seems the timings are bad. So could it be possible to correct the Beast format or add the signal strenght in the avr-mlat format?

    I would like to clarify:
    AVR-MLAT format does not provide data about the level of received signal. His format is: <@><6 byte MLAT counter><7 or 14 byte Mode-S><;><CR><LF>. The signal level is the invention of Gunther and is only present in BEAST binary format: <0x1a> <"3">  6 byte MLAT, 1 byte signal level, 7 or 14 byte Mode-S.

    When the data is output in the AVR-MLAT format, are they suitable for MLAT or Beamfinder? Or they are not suitable as BEAST binary also?

    Now the MLAT counter has a resolution of 83.333 ns for Mode-S, not 500 ns. It is possible that the reason is this.  I'll try to find out.



    Quote from: sergsero on November 27, 2013, 02:45:29 PM
    I would like to clarify:
    AVR-MLAT format does not provide data about the level of received signal. His format is: <@><6 byte MLAT counter><7 or 14 byte Mode-S><;><CR><LF>. The signal level is the invention of Gunther and is only present in BEAST binary format: <0x1a> <"3">  6 byte MLAT, 1 byte signal level, 7 or 14 byte Mode-S.

    When the data is output in the AVR-MLAT format, are they suitable for MLAT or Beamfinder? Or they are not suitable as BEAST binary also?

    Now the MLAT counter has a resolution of 83.333 ns for Mode-S, not 500 ns. It is possible that the reason is this.  I'll try to find out.


    Hi Sergsero,
    Yes AVR-MLAT seems good for mlat but I have to get a mlat fix since using your software as I think there were not sufficient data when I tried it to have good results and Beamfinder is OK like with RTL1090. But in Beast output format, the beams in Beamfinder are pointing almost anywhere and when I test in Planeplotter with the option Test Networking-->Check GS/MU status, the graph that is displayed with the dots at the bottom of the page print randoms dots instead of the oblique and nearly aligned dots with RTL1090 or Modesdeco in AVR-MLAT. So there's something wrong with your implementation of the Beast output format in Modesdeco.

    I like to have the signal level of the signals I receive that if the Beast output format is fixed with good timings and/or reliability, that would be great because I would have best of both worlds.

    BTW, I don't have too much traffic and especially this week so I cannot tell how it's doing with high packets rate but last sunday, it was stable with 75 packets/sec and it never crashed since I first tried it last saturday night.

    Luc Fontaine


    This program work by SDR technology.



    Hi kdt1,
    the ability to process information from TIS-B DF18 messages I checked in URSS - ground vehicles and obstacles:

    Unfortunately, check the ADS-R, I can't for the want of it in my area - is it working correct?




    Were you able to use the bin file I sent you? I have not seen any TIS-B logged yet, but will keep testing, I did notice that I only have to use the modesdeco and basestation to receive traffic verses  the initial modesdeco, modesmixer and basestation combination, can you confirm I am using your program correctly?

    Basestation Version


    (@echo off
    cmd /c  modesdeco_xp.exe --filter-nocountry --rbs --device-index 0 --gain 49.6 --net 10001 --sbs10001 --location 44.827:-93.613

    Many thanks on your commitment
