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ModeSDeco2 and ModeSMixer2 - console programs for RTLSDR and transcoding

Started by sergsero, August 09, 2013, 03:08:08 PM

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Hi Sergsero.

I have just found out that timestamp in AVRMLAT output format is dependent on a system time. I have Radarcape receiver so i already have AVRMLAT output, but i would like modeSmixer2 to rebroadcast exactly the same messages as it receives. Is it possible somehow with your program? I know how to use windows port forward but I dont want to use it.



Hi Martin,

In general case this dependence is actually not supposed to exist,  if the receiver has a classic scheme - not SDR.

The MLAT time stamp for each subsequent message is generated (as a derivative) with a frequency of his own clock oscillator.

Of course the value of time stamp is preserved in all formats transformation of the message.

You can easily check this, for example, to send through modesmixer2 the message and then comparing the copy with the original.



Here's an example again (I get it often) of a double decoding with the same Callsing and Squawk, but ICAO and Reg different one unit more.
Even a Balloon with a transponder !?  :o


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RTL-SDR dongle RTL2832U/R820T tuner
Selfmade 1090 MHz Spider GP antenna


Possibly a faulty transponder sending out wrong hex code on some messages?

Hex code is just one character difference.
Here to Help.


Hi robybenjy,

Yes, I know about this issue from the messages that have been here before. In modesdeco2's Flights table aircraft sometimes have the pair of the true target and his ghost in areas with Mode S interrogator. The reason for this is clear.
In future versions I'll try to fix it.



Hi Sergey,

my post was only to highlight that the Type decoded was also different, then an obvious error in the decoding of some signals received.
I am convinced that soon you'll be able to solve this problem.

RTL-SDR dongle RTL2832U/R820T tuner
Selfmade 1090 MHz Spider GP antenna


Hello Sergsero !

great job !!

are you planning a version for banana Pi ?

Best regard


Hello, Sergsero.

modeSdeco2 Thank you.

The other day, I received the aircraft of the United States Air Force. Mode S: B648D9
However, it could not be decoded by modeSdeco2.
There is a display of RAW data from the Beast.


would someone do me a HUGE favor and explain the differences between output types?
which are better/farser/contain mode data
what are the benefits and losses etc?

it would be much appreciative



Hello masa5582,

If you try to determine which country belongs to a given address, that you will see that ICAO24-address B648D9 was not allocated for any country.
Modesdeco2 and Modesmixer2 have a built-in filter, that by default blocks messages from such unallocated addresses, because more often they are formed under influence of interference.

If you nonetheless wish to receive these messages, add the option --filter-nocountry.

However, search ICAO24-address B648D9 gives the result. Boeing reg. 09-0540 C-40C (737-7DM) US Air Force (USAF) mistakenly uses it, but should be used address AE48D9 (allocated for USA).



Hello GregoryGHarding,

If you asking about the types of data output, that briefly answer is: use everywhere, when there is a choice, data in a RAW format.

As I think, today universal RAW is BEAST or AVR. (Or subtype AVRMLAT = AVR + time stamp for MLAT, if you necessary MLAT function.) The BEAST format contains the MLAT time stamp always.
They are identical in their ability to transfer all current data.

The difference between them is only that the BEAST is a binary format and its messages cannot be readable in text console. BEAST is most compact in size for network transmission.
Whereas AVR is ASCII format and each message can be viewed as separate human-readable string of text. Additionally BEAST has capability of transferring received signal level.

All other formats, in my opinion, or have become obsolete, as 'MSG', and are suitable (and exist) for old programs. It generates a lot of traffic in transit. Or when it is enough to transmit only a part of basic data. About existence of modern data they simple are not know.

Or they are proprietary to particular software, as sbs10001, piaware, globes, etc.




In version 20150825 you can use modesmixer2 for obtain data from SBS-3 receiver when it is plugged directly into a USB port. The new version of modesmixer2 20150528 in message #2 of this topic.

When you connected SBS-receiver directly to Linux via USB port, in the system will be created two serial devices.

To determine your devices run the command:

$ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
crw-rw---T 1 root dialout 188, 0 aug  2 17:15 /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---T 1 root dialout 188, 1 aug  2 17:15 /dev/ttyUSB1

In your case numbers in devices may be differ, but always paired.

To output data use always SECOND device in this pair. Value 'none' for flow control and appropriate baud rate: 3000000 for SBS-3 and 921600 for SBS-1.

For example, use one of the option:
--inSerial /dev/ttyUSB1:921600:none - for SBS-1 or
--inSerial /dev/ttyUSB1:3000000:none - for SBS-3.

If user on Raspberry (usually by default it is 'pi') is not included in the group 'dialout', execute the following command to include it in there:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout pi

Note! In case of SBS-1 to initialize the port you may need to disconnect and reconnect the receiver or use the switch power supplies on the rear side of device.
In tests SBS-1 used receiver SBS-1eR.


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Hello sergsero

i try the version V20150608 for bananapi and there is 2 problems :

many flights are displayed in double and the signal is always 255 for all flights

best regard , irving

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Hello sergsero

Modesdeco has been working wonderfully well for me. However i'm coming up against a problem installing on Windows 8.1. I have attached an image of the issue that I am getting. Are you able to assist with what the problem could be please?

Many Thanks


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